There are four Chambers in heart:-
Upper Chambers
Right Atrium ,Left Atrium
Lower Chambers : Right Ventricle 2. Left Ventricle.
Right ventricle and left ventricle are separated by septum/wall and the hole in that septum is known as Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD).
In this condition blood lets (flows) from left ventricle to right ventricle.
Causes of VSD !!
Mostly the cause is unknown
It's a very very common type of heart disease.
VSD also forms after MI ( Heart Attack).
Hole between right and left ventricular septum may vary from pin size to complete absence of ventricular septum.
Symptoms of VSD
VSD is usually symptomless at birth so so there is no cyanosis at early stage.
Common Symptoms
Shortness of breath.
Slow growth.
Dyspnea on exertion.
Swelling on legs and abdomen.
Generalized weakness.
Atrial Septal Defects (ASD)
Right Atrium and left Atrium are separated by septum/wall&hole in the septum which separates is two chambers known as Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
What / Why ASD ?
"Each and every baby born with hole at septum between right and left Atrium.
These two are upper Chambers of heart.
It is a normal hole that allows blood to detour away from lungs before birth.
After birth the opening/ hole usually closes and becomes very smaller within several weeks.
Sometimes hole is larger than normal condition so it's not clothes after birth in most of children's cause is unknown.
Some children's can have other heart problems with ASD.
Symptoms of ASD
Some babies born with ASD have no symptoms or signs but symptoms and signs can starts in
Dyspnea on exertion.
Shortness in breathing.
Swelling of abdomen feets and legs.
Treatments of ASD/VSD
WAIT AND WATCH - If the patient is nonsymptomatic then wait and watch, this is the guideline of medical science.
Surgery/ Operation - ASD / VSD closure.
Ayurvedic Treatment.
Benefits of a Dhage Healthcare's Ayurvedic Treatment for VSD and ASD:
Patient becomes symptom less.
Patients physical and exercise capacity increases.
Very very positively there are lots of chances of closes VSD/ ASD with Ayurvedic Medicines.