Ayurvedic Treatment For Mitral Valve Prolapse.
What Is The Mitral Valve Prolapse
The valve which separates upper chamber (Left Atrium) & lower chamber (Left Ventricle) of heart know as Mitral Valve. The mitral valve does not close properly and smoothly, thus improper closer of valve known as Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) which is also known as lick murmur syndrome, barlow's syndrome, floppy valve syndrome which is also known as Like Valve.
Causes of MVP
Symptoms of Mitral Valve Prolapse
How to Diagnose
Mr. Rajendra Sagvekar from ratnagiri
Complaint's of DOE, Chest Congestion after walking some distance.
2DECHD - Severe MVP (AML).
After Dhage Healthcare's Ayurvedic Treatment patient is now symptomless. Patient walk's as he wish without symptom.